About Journal

The Journal of Health Professions Education and Innovation (J Health Prof Edu Innov) is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that is published four times a year (January, April, July, and October). This is the official journal of the Egyptian Society for Medical Education (ESME) that targets readers worldwide. The journal publishes high-quality papers on different aspects of health professions education, including learning environment, curriculum development, teaching strategies and methods, technology-enhanced learning, assessment, quality and accreditation, program management and evaluation, faculty development, leadership and management in academia, and new trends in health professions education. Types of publications include research article, review article, letter to the editor, learners/educator's voice, and commentary. Accepted articles are published open-access to be freely available for readers. Read the Authors’ Instructions for more information and details on how to submit your article. 

Society information:

The Journal of Health Professions Education and Innovation is the official journal of the Egyptian Society for Medical Education (ESME). ESME was established since 2016 in Ismailia (Egypt) and includes members from all areas of health professions education and from all medical specialties.

Vision: “We aspire to introduce ESME to the medical education community of practice, anchor ESME within the health professions education system and organizations, and become an active participant in the further development of the profession in Egypt in the coming four years”

Mission: “To facilitate the process of innovation and development in the field of health professions education through a socially accountable community that strives to connect, engage, and undertake initiatives for scientific collaboration, sharing experiences, continuous professional training, and research in medical education to improve the healthcare system in Egypt”

Values: Excellence; partnership & collaboration; integrity & transparency; innovation & creativity; and inclusivity.


Medical education, health professions education, accreditation, continuous medical education, curriculum, medical schools, students, postgraduate education, teaching, learning, assessment, evaluation, program management, faculty, leadership, interprofessional education, research, supervision, mentor.

Open access: 

The journal is an open-access journal. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles under the following conditions: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 

For more information: 

This work is licensed under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/