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The Journal of Health Professions Education and Innovation, recognized as the official journal of the Egyptian Society of Medical Education, has been meticulously designed to offer a seamless experience for its contributors. Our user-friendly online submission process is straightforward, ensuring that authors can efficiently submit their works without hassle. Once submitted, manuscripts undergo a rigorous international peer review, characterized not only by their high-quality standards but also their swiftness, ensuring authors receive timely feedback. Adding to our efficiency, accepted articles are rapidly published online in an 'Ahead of Print' format. In our commitment to disseminating knowledge widely, we have adopted an open-access model, making all accepted articles freely available to readers worldwide. Furthermore, authors can take solace in the fact that they retain the copyright for their invaluable work. To support our community, the publication fees we collect contribute to a special program designed to offer discounts or waivers to young researchers who might find the publication charges challenging. As a gesture of goodwill, we are currently offering a temporary waiver on publication charges for articles submitted before December 31, 2024.

Current Issue: Volume 1, Issue 2, April 2024, Pages 1-60